It's an every day occurrence on steroids!!
Here at the Glass Academy, we believe that every day we have an opportunity to provide exceptional customer service. Maybe it’s a phone conversation, an event we attend, or a ‘regular’ sale in the gallery, but all of our staff love to engage with the customer to provide excellent service.
A few years back we needed some additional cash flow for our slower season, the hot summer. We decided to have a sale. Along with the sale, we served hot dogs, we grilled ourselves, and ice cream. The furnaces were turned off, no blowing was happening, and we pulled all the glass in the studio out from the back room and created a sale. It was simple, nothing too special, in fact we treated it as a sort of a garage sale of odd mix pieces of work we had made.
There were samples for design clients, prototypes of samples for new products, lampshades, garden art, drinkware, and everything in between! It was fun to pull out and view together, all in one space, all at one time. We didn’t set it up fancy, just on the student tables and we also didn’t do any blowing that day, therefore the studio was quiet.
It was in this quiet space that we could begin to hear the voice of our customer; ‘can you make this in blue, can I order a set of 5, would you consider making something specifically for me?’ All of these questions came at a time when we could listen to the customer, and really fulfill their needs. It gave us so much more clarity into the needs of our customers that we turned it into the ‘Customer Appreciation’ show and sale.
It takes place in mid July, this year, July 13 & 14 from 12-4pm. After the holiday on the 4thand a time when people want to come out and talk, have some hot dogs, grilled by us, and chat it up with the owners, glassblowers, and sales staff of the studio.
Almost all of the glass in inventory will be out for display along with a bunch of other glass you’ll enjoy as well. Come and take a look! Bring friends and get ready to enter some contests, vote on some new samples, get a behind the scenes look at the new projects going on, and win some prizes! We have a good time at this summer show and we’re all excited to see you there!!